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Thursday 22 June 2017

List of G-codes & M-codes

G-code, which has many variants, is the common name for the most widely used numerical control (NC) programming language. It is used mainly in computer-aided manufacturing to control automated machine tools. G-code is sometimes called G programming language, not to be confused with LabVIEW's G programming languageG-code is a language in which people tell computerized machine tools how to make something. The "how" is defined by g-code instructions provided to a machine controller (industrial computer) that tells the motors where to move, how fast to move, and what path to follow.

Lists of G-Codes:

G00 Rapid traverse 
G01 Linear interpolation with feed rate
G02 Circular interpolation (clockwise) 
G03 Circular interpolation (counter clockwise) 
G2/G3 Helical interpolation 
G04 Dwell time in milliseconds 
G05 Spline definition 
G06 Spline interpolation 
G07 Tangential circular interpolation / Helix interpolation / Polygon interpolation / Feedrate interpolation
G08 Ramping function at block transition / Look ahead "off" 
G09 No ramping function at block transition / Look ahead "on" 
G10 Stop dynamic block preprocessing 
G11 Stop interpolation during block preprocessing 
G12 Circular interpolation (cw) with radius 
G13 Circular interpolation (ccw) with radius 
G14 Polar coordinate programming, absolute 
G15 Polar coordinate programming, relative 
G16 Definition of the pole point of the polar coordinate system
G17 Selection of the X, Y plane 
G18 Selection of the Z, X plane
G19 Selection of the Y, Z plane 
G20 Selection of a freely definable plane 
G21 Parallel axes "on" 
G22 Parallel axes "off" 
G24 Safe zone programming; lower limit values 
G25 Safe zone programming; upper limit values 
G26 Safe zone programming "off" 
G27 Safe zone programming "on" 
G33 Thread cutting with constant pitch 
G34 Thread cutting with dynamic pitch 
G35 Oscillation configuration 
G38 Mirror imaging "on" 
G39 Mirror imaging "off" 
G40 Path compensations "off" 
G41 Path compensation left of the work piece contour 
G42 Path compensation right of the work piece contour 
G43 Path compensation left of the work piece contour with altered approach 
G44 Path compensation right of the work piece contour with altered approach 
G50 Scaling 
G51 Part rotation; programming in degrees 
G52 Part rotation; programming in radians 
G53 Zero offset off 
G54 Zero offset #1 
G55 Zero offset #2 
G56 Zero offset #3 
G57 Zero offset #4 
G58 Zero offset #5 
G59 Zero offset #6 
G63 Feed / spindle override not active 
G66 Feed / spindle override active 
G70 Inch format active 
G71 Metric format active 
G72 Interpolation with precision stop "off" 
G73 Interpolation with precision stop "on" 
G74 Move to home position 
G75 Curvature function activation
G76 Curvature acceleration limit
G78 Normalcy function "on" (rotational axis orientation) 
G79 Normalcy function "off"
G80 G89 for milling applications:
G80 Canned cycle "off" 
G81 Drilling to final depth canned cycle
G82 Spot facing with dwell time canned cycle
G83 Deep Hole drilling canned cycle
G84 Tapping or Thread cutting with balanced chuck canned cycle
G85 Reaming canned cycle
G86 Boring canned cycle
G87 Reaming with measuring stop canned cycle
G88 Boring with spindle stop canned cycle
G89 Boring with intermediate stop canned cycle
G81 - G88 for cylindrical grinding applications:
G81 Reciprocation without plunge
G82 Incremental face grinding
G83 Incremental plunge grinding
G84 Multi-pass face grinding
G85 Multi-pass diameter grinding
G86 Shoulder grinding
G87 Shoulder grinding with face plunge
G88 Shoulder grinding with diameter plunge
G90 Absolute programming 
G91 Incremental programming
G92 Position preset 
G93 Constant tool circumference velocity "on" (grinding wheel) 
G94 Feed in mm / min (or inch / min) 
G95 Feed per revolution (mm / rev or inch / rev)
G96 Constant cutting speed "on" 
G97 Constant cutting speed "off" 
G98 Positioning axis signal to PLC 
G99 Axis offset 
G100 Polar transformation "off" 
G101 Polar transformation "on" 
G102 Cylinder barrel transformation "on"; cartesian coordinate system 
G103 Cylinder barrel transformation "on," with real-time-radius compensation (RRC) 
G104 Cylinder barrel transformation with center line migration (CLM) and RRC 
G105 Polar transformation "on" with polar axis selections 
G106 Cylinder barrel transformation "on" polar-/cylinder-coordinates 
G107 Cylinder barrel transformation "on" polar-/cylinder-coordinates with RRC 
G108 Cylinder barrel transformation polar-/cylinder-coordinates with CLM and RRC 
G109 Axis transformation programming of the tool depth 
G110 Power control axis selection/channel 1
G111 Power control pre-selection V1, F1, T1/channel 1 (Voltage, Frequency, Time) 
G112 Power control pre-selection V2, F2, T2/channel 1 
G113 Power control pre-selection V3, F3, T3/channel 1 
G114 Power control pre-selection T4/channel 1 
G115 Power control pre-selection T5/channel 1 
G116 Power control pre-selection T6/pulsing output 
G117 Power control pre-selection T7/pulsing output 
G120 Axis transformation; orientation changing of the linear interpolation rotary axis 
G121 Axis transformation; orientation change in a plane 
G125 Electronic gear box; plain teeth 
G126 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, axial 
G127 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, tangential 
G128 Electronic gear box; helical gearing, diagonal 
G130 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change 
G131 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change 
G132 Axis transformation; programming of the type of the orientation change 
G133 Zero lag thread cutting "on" 
G134 Zero lag thread cutting "off" 
G140 Axis transformation; orientation designation work piece fixed coordinates 
G141 Axis transformation; orientation designation active coordinates 
G160 ART activation 
G161 ART learning function for velocity factors "on" 
G162 ART learning function deactivation 
G163 ART learning function for acceleration factors 
G164 ART learning function for acceleration changing 
G165 Command filter "on" 
G166 Command filter "off" 
G170 Digital measuring signals; block transfer with hard stop 
G171 Digital measuring signals; block transfer without hard stop 
G172 Digital measuring signals; block transfer with smooth stop 
G175 SERCOS-identification number "write" 
G176 SERCOS-identification number "read" 
G180 Axis transformation "off" 
G181 Axis transformation "on" with not rotated coordinate system 
G182 Axis transformation "on" with rotated/displaced coordinate system 
G183 Axis transformation; definition of the coordinate system 
G184 Axis transformation; programming tool dimensions 
G186 Look ahead; corner acceleration; circle tolerance 
G188 Activation of the positioning axes 
G190 Diameter programming deactivation 
G191 Diameter programming "on" and display of the contact point 
G192 Diameter programming; only display contact point diameter 
G193 Diameter programming; only display contact point actual axes center point
G200 Corner smoothing "off" 
G201 Corner smoothing "on" with defined radius 
G202 Corner smoothing "on" with defined corner tolerance 
G203 Corner smoothing with defined radius up to maximum tolerance 
G210 Power control axis selection/Channel 2 

M-code (for 'miscellaneous function') is an auxiliary command; descriptions vary. Many M-codes call for machine functions like 'open workstation door,' which is why some say "M" stands for "machine", though it was not intended to.

Lists of M-Code:
M00     Unconditional stop
M01     Conditional stop
M02     End of program
M03     Spindle clockwise
M04     Spindle counterclockwise
M05     Spindle stop
M06     Tool change (see Note below)
M19     Spindle orientation
M20     Start oscillation (configured by G35)
M21     End oscillation
M30     End of program
M40     Automatic spindle gear range selection
M41     Spindle gear transmission step 1
M42     Spindle gear transmission step 2
M43     Spindle gear transmission step 3
M44     Spindle gear transmission step 4
M45     Spindle gear transmission step 5
M46     Spindle gear transmission step 6
M70     Spline definition, beginning and end curve 0
M71     Spline definition, beginning tangential, end curve 0
M72     Spline definition, beginning curve 0, end tangential
M73     Spline definition, beginning and end tangential
M80     Delete rest of distance using probe function, from axis measuring input
M81     Drive On application block (resynchronize axis position via PLC signal during the block)
M101-M108   Turn off fast output byte bit 1 (to 8)
M109   Turn off all (8) bits in the fast output byte
M111-M118   Turn on fast output byte bit 1 (to 8)
M121-M128   Pulsate (on/off) fast output byte bit 1 (to 8)
M140    Distance regulation “on” (configured by G265)
M141    Distance regulation “off”
M150    Delete rest of distance using probe function, for a probe input (one of 16, M151-M168)
M151-M158   Digital input byte 1 bit 1 (to bit 8) is the active probe input
M159    PLC cannot define the bit mask for the probe inputs
M160    PLC can define the bit mask for the probe inputs (up to 16)
M161-M168   Digital input byte 2 bit 1 (to bit 8) is the active probe input
M170    Continue the block processing look ahead of the part program (cancel the M171)
M171    Stop the block processing look ahead of the probe input part program segment (like a G10)
M200    Activate the handwheel operation in the automatic mode (to introduce an offset in the program)
M201-M208   Select the axis (by number from 1 to 8) for the handwheel operation
M209    Activate the handwheel operation in the automatic mode, with PLC control of the axis selection
M210    Deactivate the handwheel input while in the automatic mode
M211    Deactivate this handwheel feature and also remove the handwheel offset (if any)
M213    Spindle 2 clockwise
M214    Spindle 2 counterclockwise
M215    Spindle 2 stop
M280    Switchable spindle/rotary axis, rotary axis on, first combination
M281    Switchable spindle/rotary axis, rotary axis on, second combination
M290    Switchable spindle/rotary axis, spindle enabled, first combination
M291    Switchable spindle/rotary axis, spindle enabled, second combination

So, guys, this is the lists of G-Codes and M-Codes used for the NC (Numerical control) programing.

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