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Saturday 24 June 2017

General knowledge (Part-4)

1. Which cytoplasmic organelles are treated as prokaryotic cells within the eukaryotic cells?

1. Glyoxysomes

2. What is the minimum age for election/appointment as member of the Rajya Sabha ?

2. 30 years

3. When milk is churned, how does the cream separate from it?

3. Due to the centrifugal force

4. In USA, which region receives heavy rainfall throughout the year under the influence of Westerlies?

4. North-western

5. Which first Europeans came to India?

5. Portuguese

6. When did man first land on moon?

6. 1969

7. Which is the secondary source of light in a fluorescent lamp?

7. Mercury vapour

8. Archaeopteryx had which reptilian characters?

8. Clawed wings, teeth on jaw, tail

9. Which cold and dense air blowing down the mountain slope during the night?

9. Katabatic wind

10. When was the monopoly of East India Company in trade brought under the control of the British Crown?

10. 1773 A.D.

11. What is the minimum age for being the member of the Parliament?

11. 25 years

12. Which elements is obtained from sea weeds?

12. Iodine

13. Which is the regulatory authority for giving clearance for External Commercial borrowing?

13. RBI

14. Where are Grasses almost absent?

14. In tropical wet- evergreen forest

15. Who was impeached in England for his actions in India?

15. Warren Hastings

16. By using which technique, is DNA fingerprint done?

16. Southern Blotting

17. Which Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compound?

17. Nitrogen fixing bacteria

18. Which was the first woman Governor of a State in free India?

18. Mrs. Sarojini Naidu

19. Which ecosystem covers the largest area of the earth’s surface?

19. Marine Ecosystem

20. During which movement was ‘Mahatma’ added before Gandhiji’s name?

20. Champaran satyagraha

21. Sound travels faster in which thing?

21. Iron than in air

22. Who was the first General-Secretary of the Indian National Congress?

22. Dadabhai Naoroji

23. From when was the Zero Base Budgeting in India first experimented?

23. April, 1987

24. Rainfall in the doldrums is of the nature of which precipitation?

24. Orographic precipitation

25. Which first Indian leader to undergo imprisonment in 1882?

25. C. Vijiaraghavachari

26. Which type of microorganism is most widely used in industries?

26. Bacteria, microalgae and fungi.

27. What is the maximum number of elected members in a State Assembly?

27. 500

28. In fireworks, how is the green flame produced?

28. Because of barium

29. Which term for natural vegetation is associated with Siberia?

29. Taiga

30. During the Indian Freedom struggle, who started a journal “The Indian Sociologist” 

30. Shyamji Krishna Varma

31. Person is called ‘Desert Fox’?

31. Gen. Rommel

32. National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation is known what?


33. Water will be absorbed by root hairs, then how is when the external medium?

33. Hypotonic

34. Which is not an important factor of climate of an area?

34. Longitude

35. By whom was the Home Rule Movement in India was started?

35. Annie Besant and Tilak

36. By whom are Zonal Council provided?

36. By Parliamentary Act

37. Who does a liquid drop tend to assume a spherical shape?

37. Surface tension

38. With which Economic growth is usually coupled?

38. Inflation

39. Where is the thermal equator found?

39. North of the geographical equator

40. After whose name was a women’s division of the Indian National Army named?

40. Rani Jhansi

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