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Friday 23 June 2017

Interview Q & A (Part-2)

1. Explain the second law of thermodynamics.

1.The entropy of the universe increases over time and moves towards a maximum value.

2. What is ferrite?

2.Magnetic iron rock

3. What is the alloy of tin and lead?

3.A tin and lead alloy is commonly called solder. Usually solder is a wire with a rosin core used for soldering. The rosin core acts as a flux.

4. What is gear ratio?

4.It is the ratio of the number of revolutions of the pinion gear to one revolution of the idler gear.

5. What is annealing?

5.It is a process of heating a material above the re-crystallization temperature and cooling after a specific time interval. This increases the hardness and strength if the material.

6. What is enthalpy?

6. Enthalpy is the heat content of a chemical system.

7. What is isometric drawing?

7.It is a 3-D drawing used by draftsmen, architects etc

8. What is the mechanical advantage of a double pulley?

8.It only takes half the effort to move an object but twice the distance.

9. What is a Newtonian fluid?

9.A Newtonian fluid possesses a linear stress strain relationship curve and it passes through the origin. The fluid properties of a Newtonian fluid do not change when any force acts upon it.

10. What are the points in the stress strain curve for steel?

10.Proportional limit, elastic limit or yield point, ultimate stress and stress at failure.

11. What is a Drawing ?

11. It is a graphical representation of a real thing to define and specify the shape and size of a particular object by means of lines.
12. What is Engineering Drawing ?

12.A drawing which is worked out an engineer for the engineering purpose is known as Engineering Drawing.

13.What are the standard sizes of drawing board as per Indian Standards?

13.As per Indian Standards :1250×900,900×650,650×500,500×350,350×250 sizes are available.

14.What is a Vernier Scale ?

14.This is used to measure very small unit with greater accuracy. It consists of a primary scale and a vernier scale.Vernier scale slides on the primary scale.

15. What is Representative Fraction ?

15.It is the ratio of drawing to the object. R.F=Length of the object in the drawing /Actual length of the object.

16.Explain Otto cycle.

16.Otto cycle can be explained by a pressure volume relationship diagram. It shows the functioning cycle of a four stroke engine. The cycle starts with an intake stroke, closing the intake and moving to the compression stroke, starting of combustion, power stroke, heat exchange stroke where heat is rejected and the exhaust stroke. It was designed by Nicolas Otto, a German engineer.

17. What is difference between pressure and stress?

17.When the force or load acting on the fluid (pneumatic or hydraulic) per unit area is known as PRESSURE its purely subjected to fluids.when the force or load acting on the object (solid) within the elastic limit of an object create internal resistance to resist the apply load. that internal resistance is known as STRAIN for per unit area of that object Its mainly subjected to solids

18. What’s the range of poisons ratio of a stable material?

18.Theoretical values are — -1 to 0.5                                         
  Practical values are — 0 to 0.5

19. What is the difference between limit of proportionality and elastic limit

19.Up to the limit of proportionality stress is directly proportional to strain,follows hooks law,elastic limit is limit for elasticity of material.

20.what is neutral axis 
of the cross-section beam?

20.The neutral axis of the cross-section a beam is that axis at which the bending stress is zero

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