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Saturday 24 June 2017

genral knowladge (part-3)

1. Name of the first Atomic Submarine of India ?

1.I.N.S Chakra

2. What is the name of first British to visit India ?


3. Name of the first election commissioner of India ?

3.Sukumar Sen.

4. Name of the first university of India ?

4.Nalanda University.

5. Where is India's First nuclear centre ?


6. Name of the first Chinese pilgrim to visit India ?


7. Name of first foreign recipient of Bharat Ratna ?

7.Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan

8. Where was the first Post Office opened in India ?

8.Kolkata in 1727

9. Name of the first deputy Prime Minister of India ?

9.Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

10. Name of first Space Tourist of India ?

10.Santosh George

11. Which is longest river of India


12. Which is the longest River in the World ?


13. Which is longest tributary river of India ?


14. Which is longest river of South India ?


15. Which is the Highest mountain peak ?

15.Mount Everest (8,850 m)

16. Which is the Largest lake of the world ?

16.Caspian Sea (371,000 sq km)

17. Which is the deepest lake of the world ?

17.Lake Baikal

18. Which is highest dam in world ?

18.Jinping-I Dam - 305 m (1,001 ft) in China on Yalong river.Second Highest is Nurek Dam 300 m (980 ft) Tajikistan on Vakhsh river.

19. Which is the highest dam in India ?

19.Tehri Dam on Bhagirathi River in Uttarakhand (Height of 260 metres)

20. Which is largest Dam in World ?

20.Three Gorges (China)

21. Name of first Men to climb Mt. Everest ?

21.Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary (29th May, 1953)

22. Who was the first person to win the Nobel prize for Peace ?

22.Jin F. Dunant (Switzerland)and Frederic Peiry (France)

23. Who won first Nobel prize for Literature ?

23.Rene F.A. and Sulli Pradhom (France)
24. Who won first Nobel prize for physics ?

24.Rene F.A. and Sulli Pradhom (France)

25. Who won first Nobel prize for chemistry ?

25.J.H. Wenthoff of Howlland

26. Who was first to won Nobel Prize for Medicine ?

26.A.E. Wonn Behrig of Germany

27. Who was first to won Nobel prize of Economics ?

27.Ragnar Frisch (Norway) and Jan Timbergen (Howlland)

28. Who was first woman president of a country ?

28.Maria Estela Peron of Argentina

29. Who was first space tourist ?

29.Dennis Tito of USA in 2001

30. Who was first female Space Tourist ?

30.Mrs. Anousheh Ansari in 2004

31. The spherical shape of a drop is due to _______ ?

31.Surface tension

32. Who is the present RBI Governor ?

32. Urjit Patel

33. Earth is protected from Ultra voilet radiation by _______ ?


35. Capital of VeneZuela ?


36. Solid carbon dioxide is known as ______?

36. Dry ice

37. VAT was first introduced in which country ?

37. France

38. The country which lost the largest number of people in the 2nd world war ?


39.How many fundamental rights are recognized in the constitution of India ?

39. 6

40. Which is the Biggest Museum ?

40.British Museum, London

41. October 14 is observed as

41.World Standards Day

42. When is the World AIDS Day observed all over the world?

42.1st December

43.When is the Earth Day celebrated?

43. 22nd April

44.When was the first television first introduced in India?


45.2010 Commonwealth Games held in ?


46. Aga Khan Cup is awarded to ?

46.National Hockey in India

47.In 1924 the first winter Olympics was held in ?


48.India first took part in the olympic games in the year ?


49.The ASIAD is held every ?

49.4 years

50.Which is the Land of the Rising Sun?


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