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Sunday 2 July 2017

genral knowladge (part-6)

1.Capital of Finland is?

2.The boundary 'Durand Line' is between Pakistan and?

2. Afghanistan.

3.Headquarter of SAARC is in?

3.Kathmandu, Nepal.

4.Who wrote the book 'City of Joy'?

4.Dominique Lapierre.

5.On which basis Montague-Chelmsford Report formed?

5. The Government of India Act, 1919

6.Which is the second most abundant metal in the earth’s crust?
6. Iron

7.The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is situated at which place?
7. Kanyakumari

8.Taxation and the government’s expenditure policy are dealt under under which policy?

8.Fiscal policy

9.Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
9.Saddle Peak

10.Who attended the Second Round Table Conference as the representative of the Congress?


11.A typical human ribcage consists of how many ribs

12.To whom the Vice-President’s letter of resignation is to be addressed?

13.‘mho’ is the unit of which unit? 
13. Specificresistance

14.Which reservoir is constructed on Chambal?
14. Gandhi Sagar

15.Which were the patrons of Sangam, an assembly of Tamil poets? 
15. Pandya

16.Geeta Chandran is well known by which name?

16.Bharatnatyam dancer

17.Which plant is preferred for mixed cropping in order to enhance the bioavailability of nitrogen?

18.Which cell organelle is responsible for cellular respiration?
18. Mitochondrium

19.Which state was in the development of hydroelectricity the pioneering state? 19.Karnataka

20.Which dynasty did rule over Magadha after Nanda dynasty?

20. Maurya

21.Who is the author of the book ‘Glimpses of World History’ ? 
21. Jawaharlal Nehru.

22.Which are the glands of the body which pour their seretions directly into the blood stream?
22.Endocrine glands

23.The Fundamental Right to Property has been deleted by the which Amendment Act


24.Which state is with the largest area under waste land?
24.Jammu and Kashmir

25.Which gland regulates the amount of water excreted by the kidneys?
25.Pituitary gland

26.What is the capital of Dadar and Nagar Havelli?

27.Which Indian freedom fighter was popularly called 'Mahamana' ?
27.Madan Mohan Malaviya.

28.'Anandmath' was written by which Bengali writer?

28. Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

29.What is the name of first indigenously developed Super Computer of India?29.Param

30.Who is the first indian Tenis player to win boy's Australian Open Junior Title?
30. Yuki Bhambri.

31.In terms of area, which is the smallest state in India?

32.Who founded Forward Block political party?

32.Subhash Chand Bose.

33.Which architect designed the city of Chandigarh ?
33.Le Corbusier.

34.The boundary line demarcating India and Pakistan is known as?
34.Radcliffe Line.

35.Which mughal emperor built 'Jama Masjid'?


36.The ultimate source of energy in an ecosystem is?

37.Which among the following terms was used for the Royal cavalry of the Maratha Army System?
37.The Bargirs

38.What was Kharaj?

38.Islamic land tax

39.The war which led to the establishment of Mughal Empire in India?
39.Panipat war

40.Who was defeated by Babar in the First Panipat war?
40.Ibrahim Lodi

41.The Mughal Emperor who introduced the Military strategy called Tulughama

42.Who ended the Turkish monopoly of high offices in the Delhi sultanate?

42.The Khiljis

43.Who among the following was sent by Emperor Jahangir on a diplomatic mission to Persia, to paint the Shah’s portrait?

44.Which ruler gave the idea that the state could not be a truly Islamic state?

45.When did Timur invade India?


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