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Sunday 2 July 2017

General Knowledge -Full Forms (Part-1)

  1. ABM:    Anti-Ballistic Missiles
  2. ABVP:  Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad
  3. AC:       Alternating Current; Ashoka Chakra
  4. ACU:    Asian Currency Union
  5. BARC: Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
  6. BBC:    British Broadcasting Corporation
  7. BC:       Before Christ; Board of Control; British Columbia; Battery Commander
  8. BCG:    Bacillus Calmette-Guerin—Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine
  9. BICP:   Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices
  10. AD:       anno Domini; in the year of Lord Christ
  11. ADB:    Asian Development Bank
  12. ADC:    Aide-de-Camp; Access Deficit Charge
  13. ADF:    Asian Development Fund
  14. ADS:   Air Defence Ship
  15. AJT:     Advanced Jet Trainer
  16. AG:      Accountant General; Adjutant General
  17. AI:        Air India
  18. BIFR:  Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
  19. BIOS:  Basic Input Output System
  20. BKU:   Bharatiya Kisan Union
  21. BMD:   Ballistic Missile Defence System 
  22. BOLT:  BSE On-Line Trading (System)
  23. BOSS: Bharat Operating System Solutions
  24. BPO:    Business Process Outsourcing
  25. CA:       Chartered Accountant
  26. CABE:  Central Advisory Board of Education
  27. C & AG:Comptroller & Auditor General
  28. CAIR:     Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  29. CAPART: Council for People’s Action and Advancement of Rural Technology
  30. CAPES:  Computer-Aided Paperless Examination System
  31. CAS:        Chief of Army Staff; Chief of Air Staff; Conditional Access System
  32. CB:           Citizen Band (Radio)
  33. CBI:          Central Bureau of Investigation
  34. AIDS:        Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  35. AIIMS:       All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  36. AIR:           All India Radio; Annual Information Report
  37. AITUC:      All India Trade Union Congress
  38. AJT:           Advanced Jet Trainer
  39. ALH:          Advanced Light Helicopter
  40. AM:            ante meridiem; before noon
  41. AMC:         Army Medical Corps; Asset Management Companies
  42. AME:         Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers
  43. APC:         Agricultural Prices Commission
  44. BPR:         Bottom Pressure Records
  45. BRO:         Border Road Organisation
  46. BSE:         Bombay Stock Exchange
  47. BSF:         Border Security Force
  48. BSNL:       Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd
  49. CBFC:       Central Board of Film Certification
  50. CCPA:       Cabinet Committee on Political Affairs
  51. CD:            Conference on Disarmament
  52. C-DAC:     The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
  53. CDMA:      Code Division Multiple Access
  54. CECA:      Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
  55. CERN:       European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Pronounced CERN in French)
  56. CFC:         Chlorofluro Carbon
  57. CFS:         Container Freight Station
  58. CHOGM:  Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting
  59. CIA:           Central Intelligence Agency (of U.S.A.)
  60. CIBIL:        Credit Information Bureau (India) Ltd
  61. CIC:           Chief Information Commissioner
  62. CID:           Criminal Investigation Department
  63. C-in-C:      Commander-in-Chief
  64. cif:             cost, insurance, and freight
  65. CIS:           Commonwealth of Independent States
  66. CISF:        Central Industrial Security Force
  67. CITES:      Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
  68. CITU:         Centre of Indian Trade Unions
  69. CLASS:     Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools
  70. CLAWS:    Centre for Land Warfare Studies
  71. CM:            Command Module; Chief Minister
  72. CMP:         Common Minimum Programme
  73. CNG:         Compressed Natural Gas
  74. CNN:         Cable News Network
  75. CNS:         Chief of the Naval Staff
  76. CO:            Commanding Officer
  77. APPLE:     Ariane Passenger Payload Experiment
  78. APPU:       Asian Pacific Postal Union
  79. ARC:          Asset Reconstruction Company
  80. ARDR:       Agricultural and Rural Debt Relief
  81. ASAT:         Anti-Satellite weapon
  82. ASC:          Army Service Corps
  83. ASCI:         Advanced Strategic Computing Initiative
  84. ASCII:        American Standard Code for Information
  85. ASEAN:    Association of South-East Asian Nations
  86. ASEM:      Asia-Europe Meeting
  87. ASIMO:     Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility
  88. ASLV:       Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
  89. ASMA:     Antarctica Specially Managed Area
  90. ASSOCHAM: Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry
  91. ATA:         Air Time Authority; Allen Telescope Array
  92. COD:        Central Ordnance Depot; Cash on Delivery
  93. CPCB:      Central Pollution Control Board
  94. CPI:           Communist Party of India
  95. CPI(M):     Communist Party of India (Marxists)
  96. CPU:         Central Processing Unit
  97. CR:            Central Railway
  98. CRAC:      Cyber Regulation Advisory Council
  99. CRDi:        Common Rail Direct injection
  100. CRISIL:     Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited
  101. CRM:        Customer Relationship Management
  102. CRR:         Cash Reserve Ratio
  103. CRPF:      Central Reserve Police Force
  104. CSIR:        Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
  105. CTBT:        Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
  106. CTT:           Commodities Transaction Tax
  107. CVRDE:    Combat Vehicles Research and Development Establishment
  108. ATA:           Air Time Authority; Allen Telescope Array
  109. ATC:          Air Traffic Controller
  110. ATM:          Automatic Teller Machine
  111. ATR:          Action Taken Report
  112. ATV:          Automatic Transfer Vehicle
  113. AUM:        Assets Under Management
  114. AVC:        Army Veterinary Corps
  115. AVM:        Additional Volatility Margin
  116. AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System

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